my wife asked me after the year 2000 came and went without fanfare(because the wt organization said all the “new world” would be here within this 20th century would end), “ what would it take for you to leave the truth?”.
my reply was “ if i turn 60 in this “system of things”.
I've been pretty much out of the borg now for 5 years or so. I was in it my whole life. Now that I'm in my late 30's, I'm beginning to wonder about actually growing old and it scares me.
Growing old...? ive been young for almost 72 years.
the montana supreme court has unanimously overturned the largest civil verdict against the jehovah's witnesses in u.s. history in a closely-watched case on the requirements of religious leaders to report suspected incidents of child sexual abuse.. the ruling, issued wednesday, erased a $35 million jury verdict to alexis “lexi” nunez, who was abused by a member of the thompson falls, mont, congregation.
elders at the local kingdom hall knew of separate allegations against the man, but did not report those to law enforcement after relying on legal advice from headquarters that clergy in montana are not required to report allegations deemed by religious organizations to be “confidential.”.
the montana supreme court has unanimously overturned the largest civil verdict against the jehovah's witnesses in u.s. history in a closely-watched case on the requirements of religious leaders to report suspected incidents of child sexual abuse.. the ruling, issued wednesday, erased a $35 million jury verdict to alexis “lexi” nunez, who was abused by a member of the thompson falls, mont, congregation.
elders at the local kingdom hall knew of separate allegations against the man, but did not report those to law enforcement after relying on legal advice from headquarters that clergy in montana are not required to report allegations deemed by religious organizations to be “confidential.”.
in a recent post about the watchtower’s claim that all animals were created as vegetarians, one commenter said that watchtower could no longer sustain this belief so they simply stopped talking about it.
i began thinking about other wacky doctrines and statements by the borg that have faded away.
i’ll offer two of them below, but the complete list must be longer than your arm.. 7000 year-long creative days: watchtower once taught that each of the creative days was 7,000 years in duration, hence the hype leading up to 1975. they believed that year marked 6,000 years since adam’s creation, and oh how nicely the 1,000-year reign would fit as the last piece of the puzzle, thus completing the final “day”.
my daughter in law bought me one for xmas--previous one. it plays the radio. she also bought me a bulb for it to turn on. it didnt. needed a special plug. so she got me a plug. dont work either,
i'm quite ok turning the lights on with a switch. they work.
this year she got me a thin version of alexa--so i can play the radio through my audio system, which doesnt work.
if it meant my 2 adult kids would start talking to me again--then yes. so long as i could pick and choose when i went--get up and leave anytime..and no singing or praying.
the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses have approved the formation of an additional management corporation for jehovah’s witnesses in australia and the formation of a new audio visual production company.. on 11 november 2019 a new jehovah’s witnesses company, “kingdom support services (australasia) limited” (kssa), was registered in australia to “promote throughout australasia the advancement of the christian religion as understood and taught by the ecclesiastical governing body” and to “co-operate with or provide financial assistance to persons having similar aims and purposes and to other charitable organizations having similar aims and purposes within australasia or elsewhere”.. the structure and charitable purpose of kssa allows it to provide benevolent disaster relief (‘financial assistance’) to victims of the current bushfires in australia, albeit limited exclusively to “jehovah’s witnesses [who] practice their religion under the spiritual direction of the governing body”.
as of january 2020, the jehovah’s witnesses branch committee in australia, under the direction of the governing body, have formed two disaster relief committees to provide spiritual and material help to bushfire victims in australia that meet the religion’s criteria.. two days earlier, on 8 november 2019 another jehovah’s witnesses company, “avs productions (australasia) limited” (avspa), was registered in australia to “record, produce, publish, and distribute or dispose by way of gift music, photographs, film, animation, and other intellectual property of a religious or charitable nature”.. both new jehovah’s witnesses corporations have registered with the australian charities and not-for-profit commission (acnc) as religious charities.. despite the audio visual and animation production objects of avspa this new corporation also claims to “support members of the worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovah’s witnesses”.. these two new jehovah’s witnesses companies join the new and controversial management corporation, christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses (australasia) limited (ccjwa), which was formed on 12 april 2019 to administer congregations, congregation charities, and bodies of elders.
and also to “support members of the worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovah’s witnesses”.. ccjwa, despite being registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the australian securities and investments commission (asic), is yet to be approved as a charity by the acnc.